Lawn Irrigation Systems Homeowners Depend On
Enhance the value of your property with advanced irrigation systems!
If you are dragging hoses around your property, you need a lawn sprinkler system.
We are your outdoor landscape & lawn sprinkler system provider in Northern Illinois.
Flow Meter Installation for your home irrigation system.
If your lawn and planting beds don’t look quite as good as your neighbors, you have to make a change. For local homeowners, a lawn irrigation system can be the answer. A home sprinkler system will add value to your property.
We offer a full range of services, from installation to repairs, to help improve or maintain your sprinkler system.
There are many ways a system can be built that will affect the quality of an irrigation system. First, we measure how many gallons your water supply produces per minute and the pressure it maintains. From that information, we know the maximum number of gallons per minute from any zone. Next, we consider the landscape to be watered. Our team draws a layout of your inground lawn sprinkler system making sure we keep the heads and nozzle sizes within the water supply restrictions. The result is precise amounts of water needed for the different plants in your landscape.
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After your lawn sprinkler system installation…
We provide yearly sprinkler turn-on service, RPZ certification in the spring, and sprinkler shut-down service in the fall.
For lawn irrigation in Long Grove, IL, and the surrounding areas, it's a requirement for sprinkler systems to have an RPZ backflow device with inspection and is certified every year. View the list of plumbers who perform backflow testing.
Weather Sensors
Use water only when needed.
Rain sensors are required on all new installations of irrigation systems. There is no reason to feel guilty for running your Allscape Services sprinkler system because we use Hunter Hydrawise Controllers with a Rain sensor that connects to the internet weather data for your zip code. The Hydrawise Controller can change the watering times daily according to weather conditions. The system can measure the temperature, rainfall, and the sunlight that hits your property to set the watering schedule. Never worry about over watering, that causes runoff, or under watering, causing lawns and plants to brown. Learn how you can reduce gallons of water with lawn irrigation in Hawthorne Woods, IL and the surrounding areas!
Water conservation
is more important than ever!

Lawn Sprinkler Rotors
Rotors are various sprinklers heads that rotate a stream of water in a circle or a back-and-forth motion. For best results, rotors should be spaced roughly 15-20 feet apart depending on water pressure.
Fixed spray heads are small watering heads that spray a fanning pattern. The nozzles are interchangeable and can spray half-to-full circles or patterns that can cover extended narrow areas of a lawn. For best results, spray heads spacing should be no more than 15 feet apart.
Rotary Nozzles & Rotators
Rotary nozzles are tiny rotors that are the size of a standard spray sprinkler head with a radius of between 15-35 feet. Rotator nozzles are more efficient as they produce less mist than traditional spray heads.
Drip Irrigation
This type of irrigation is used when rooting new plant and trees! Another reason to use drip irrigation is for plants that should not have an overhead spray, like roses.
Underground Sprinkler System Repair
It does not matter what kind of system you have, we can repair it!
Spring Turn Down /System Blow Out
We will come make sure your system is is working condition when we come to turn it on.
Sprinkler winterization includes blowing out all pipes, valves, and heads to prevent freeze damage. We will also disconnect and remove the pump and or backflow device to be stored for the winter. A good rule of thumb with lawn irrigation and the surrounding areas is to winterize before Halloween (Oct. 31).

900+ lawn sprinkler customers in homes all over the Northern Illinois.
Landscape Irrigation FAQs
Learn all you need to know by checking out our FAQs below. If you have any questions, please contact us by clicking here!
Why is water puddling around my sprinkler head?
You have a seeping valve which slowly fills the line until it overflows at the lowest head on the zone. It must be cleaned or replaced. This is only a problem if the area has a pudle around it at all times.
Why is one zone running in my yard all the time?
You likely have a valve stuck open due to debris obstructing the valve from fully closing. It must be disassembled, cleaned and/or replaced.
Why does my system continue to cycle?
Multiple programs and start times can be the cause o fthis.
In Northern Illinois when should I turn down/off my irrigation system?
Allscape strongly recommends that all systems are winterized prior to November 1
Why are my sprinkler heads stuck up in my yard after my system runs?
This usually happens as the heads age. You can clean the shaft with rubbing alcohol and spray with WD 40. If this does not work, you make need to have the head replaced.
Why won’t my system turn on?
Try bypassing the rain sensor, try to manually run couple of zones. If nothing will turn on you most likely need a service call. Bad controller, modules, cut cables, fauly solenoids could all be reasons why the system will not turn on.
Can I service my RPZ?
No, this can only be done by a licensed plumber with a CCDI license. They perform the test and file the paperwork to the city and state. The price in Northern IL. for this service ranges from $90.00 to $125.00. Click here for the list of RPZ plumbers by city that do the backflow testing
Why does my system run while it’s raining?
Either it may be that the sensor switch is in bypass or there has not been enough rain to activate the sensor which is usally around an 1/2'“ of rain and finally the rain sensor may need to be replaced
Why even though my sprinkler system is running I still have brown spots in my yard?
Hills and areas with full sun require more water than the rest of the lawn. Broken or leaking heads can reduce the pressure which will cause the whole zone to perform poorly. Grass diseases and insects are another cause for brown spots. Grubs being the number one suspect usually creating irregular circles in the lawn. 2) Continued animal urination
Why does my controller say ‘Error’?
The system tried reaching a zone and it failed to do so. Likely issue is a faulty solenoid.